dBs Pro COVID-19 polices



dBs Pro remains open & taking bookings.

Following guidance from MPG and DCMS recording studios are permitted to remain open with strict COVID-19 safety procedures in place. As we enter a 3rd lockdown we will continue to operate for essential work that can not be done at home only.

The wellbeing of our clients and staff is our top priority. We have a number of measures in place to ensure we can get back to work safely and confidently.

dBs Pro and our parent company dBs Music have created a detailed COVID-19 Risk Assessment and Safety Policy. You can review these via the links found on this page.

We have a number of measures in place and will review them daily, they include:

  • Any persons attending our studios or facilities must complete the ‘Pre session form’ at least 24hrs before their booking - this form includes a health check, risk group check and links to our COVID-19 polices documents.

  • We are deep cleaning our facilities daily and before/after sessions with strict hygiene protocols. Regular cleaning of all equipment with antibacterial products or isopropyl alcohol where applicable including pop shields, microphone grills, piano keys and faders.

  • We are taking reduced capacity bookings to ensure a limited number of persons are on site. See capacity limits below.

  • We are allocating facilities such as break out areas and toilets per session / persons on site. This helps ensure contact between persons using the studios is limited.

  • Alcohol gel is available at the entry point to buildings and entrances to studios - it must be used by all persons. Additionally we ask your hands are washed every two hours with soap and water.

  • We require you to wear face coverings whenever possible - PPE will be in use by our staff. Special consideration will be given to those exempt or if a face mask prohibits a performance (singers etc).

  • Encouraging staff and those we work with to avoid public transport and walk, cycle or drive where possible.

  • Non-essential personnel will not be able to attend sessions.

  • All our staff have received COVID-19 H&S training.

  • Limited personnel on site at any given time - studios have restricted capacity as follows:

    dBs Pro / studio A: Main room 1 person - Booth 1 person - Lounge 1 person

    dBs Pro / studio 3: Control room 1 person - Live room 3 persons - Lounge area 1 person

  • All attendees must maintain an appropriate level of social distancing (2m). All guests must wash hands regularly, particularly after touching shared surfaces or equipment.

If you are attending a session you must review our full polices, risk assessment and complete the pre session form. These are all available via the links on the page.

Note: dBs Pro reserves the right to cancel by notice in writing to the client any booking where any law or any action taken by Government or public authority shall lead to the closure of the studio.